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Le marché des détergents au Nigeria et au Ghana est très concurrentiel.
Les consommateurs voient les marques aller et venir.
En utilisant des enzymes, assurez-vous que votre marque de détergent reste au top, malgré tous les défis du marché.
What are enzymes?
Enzymes are proteins produced naturally within all living beings. They work as catalysts to speed up internal processes.
Using biotechnology, Novozymes has created enzymatic solutions that help your powder detergent and your business.
How enzymes can help detergents
Here's a secret: a high-performance washing powder with a low-price tag is not that hard to make. If you use enzymes!
Using biotechnology, Novozymes has created enzymatic solutions that help your powder detergent and your business. But there are many myths surrounding enzymes.
How many myths can you debunk?