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Amount of added sugar in your revised formula with Saphera®
Total sugar in your revised formula with Saphera®
Sugar compared to original
Total sugar reduction
Added sugar reduction
Sugar comes in many forms — a refined ingredient like table sugar, a natural component of milk like lactose, or the natural building blocks of these sugars such as glucose, fructose and galactose. Each type of sugar brings different relative sweetness, and that's one reason why different foods taste more or less sweet to us.
For food and beverage producers, taking sweetness into account is especially important when reformulating products. Lactose, for instance, is not particularly sweet on its own. But, when broken down with the lactase Saphera into glucose and galactose, the resulting sugars become almost 50% sweeter
Amount of added sugar in your revised formula with Saphera®
Total sugar in your revised formula with Saphera®
Sugar compared to original
Total sugar reduction
Added sugar reduction
Sugar comes in many forms — a refined ingredient like table sugar, a natural component of milk like lactose, or the natural building blocks of these sugars such as glucose, fructose and galactose. Each type of sugar brings different relative sweetness, and that's one reason why different foods taste more or less sweet to us.
For food and beverage producers, taking sweetness into account is especially important when reformulating products. Lactose, for instance, is not particularly sweet on its own. But, when broken down with the lactase Saphera into glucose and galactose, the resulting sugars become almost 50% sweeter.