Develop cleaner-label, low-sugar, high-fiber yogurts
Develop cleaner-label, low-sugar, high-fiber yogurts
An increasing focus on healthy eating is driving consumer interest in low-sugar and fiber-rich foods. They want healthier yogurts, but they also want cleaner labels. That’s a challenge, as these yogurt profiles demand extra ingredients.
Leverage the natural qualities of your raw dairy with enzymes to deliver delicious and healthier yogurt to consumers.
Interested in reducing sugar in flavored milk? Explore our solutions.
US consumers want more fiber, less sugar
of the population don't get enough fiber
are more likely to buy dairy products with higher fiber content
believe sugar reduction is important in dairy offerings
Low-sugar yogurt

Low-sugar yogurt
Demand for low-sugar yogurt is rising. Many producers are reformulating with sweeteners, but these may lead to longer labels. Our lactase enzymes allow you to develop low-sugar yogurt, while avoiding extra ingredients .
They do it by leveraging the natural qualities of raw dairy, converting lactose into two other sugars, glucose and galactose. The perceived sweetness of these sugars is substantially greater than lactose. That means you don’t need to add as much sugar to your yogurts.
Use the sweetness calculator to estimate the potential sugar reduction in your yogurt.
High-fiber yogurt

High-fiber yogurt
59% of consumers are more likely to buy dairy products with higher fiber content, according to a Novozymes/Lindbergh study.
One way to meet those needs is to reformulate with fiber ingredients. But these ingredients may impact label-conscious consumers' perception of your products. Our enzymes unlock the natural qualities of raw dairy by converting sugar into dairy-based fiber. That helps you give consumers more fiber and a clean label.
Download our whitepaper on how to increase fiber in your yogurt and decrease sugar content without reformulation.
How much sugar reduction could you achieve?
Amount of added sugar in your revised formula with Saphera®
Total sugar in your revised formula with Saphera®
Your result
Sugar compared to original
Total sugar reduction
Added sugar reduction
Relative sweetness
Sugar comes in many forms — a refined ingredient like table sugar, a natural component of milk like lactose, or the natural building blocks of these sugars such as glucose, fructose and galactose. Each type of sugar brings different relative sweetness, and that's one reason why different foods taste more or less sweet to us.
For food and beverage producers, taking sweetness into account is especially important when reformulating products. Lactose, for instance, is not particularly sweet on its own. But, when broken down with the lactase Saphera into glucose and galactose, the resulting sugars become almost 50% sweeter.
Relative sweetness of different sugars in relation to sucrose
- Lactose 39
- Sucrose 100
- D-Galactose 63
- Glucose 69
The benefits of enzymes in yogurt production

The benefits of enzymes in yogurt production
Saphera 2600L:
• Beta-galactosidase
• Enables lactose-free claims
• Enhances sweetness to allow reduced sugar reformulations
• No invertase side activity
• Stabilizes sweetness in sugared dairy products to maintain their taste levels during shelf life
Saphera Fiber:
• Beta-galactosidase
• Reduces sugar directly without reformulations
• Enables fiber claims
• Converts lactose into galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) dietary fiber
• Highly stable, easy-to-handle solution that has no impact on the taste of your final products