Proteins and starches are found in many everyday stains in India. Medley® Advance 300 L targets them with a blend of protease and amylase enzymes. Medley® Advance 300 L also contains cellulases that help prevent white cotton fabrics from turning grey over time.
Medley® Advance 300 L is designed for stability across a range of tough storage conditions, including high temperatures, water-rich formulations and strong chelators.
Delivers deep cleaning & whiteness for tough conditions
Improves performance in cleaning stains containing Proteins & starches
Contains cellulases that prevent white cotton fabrics from turning grey
Designed for stability across a range of tough storage conditions
This product is designed to remain stable, even when exposed to water-rich formulations, high temperatures and strong chelators.
Protein is found in sweat, blood, grass, chocolate, dairy products and milky drinks like tea, coffee and chai. Protease breaks down the protein in these stains, making it easier for the detergent to lift it from the fabric.
Starch is a key ingredient of foods like ready-made sauces, baby foods, dressings and desserts. By breaking down starch, amylase helps the detergent wash away such stains.
Over time, white clothes can become grey. The cause is the tiny fibres that come loose from cotton threads over time. These fibres trap dirt particles, causing the clothes to appear dull & grey. .Cellulases target and ‘cut’ these fibres. That releases the trapped dirt particles to keep whites whiter.
Most everyday stains are multi-layered, with each element in the stain forming a layer. Enzymatic synergies pass through the stain’s layers and produce a better cleaning effect.