BioInnovate your beamhouse with enzymes

Enzymes are the biotechnological alternative to chemical leather manufacturing and can in many processes save time and energy. Meanwhile, enzymes reduce or eliminate the need for tensides, solvents or other demanding methods in the tannery. For more than 50 years Novozymes has been innovating the leather industry with enzymatic solutions for soaking, liming, bating, re-bating, and degreasing
Replacing chemicals with biodegradable enzymes can reduce dependency on price-fluctuating petrochemical technology, and can give tanners a stable foundation for costs – all with a sustainable touch since enzymes:
Reduce pollution from harsh chemicals
Make a number of chemicals superfluous
Make side streams more clean
Save energy by lowering processing temperature and shortening process time
Improve working environment in leather production
Used and saved when enzymes are introduced in soaking and liming

Apart from being the sustainable alternative to traditional processing, Novozymes’ enzymatic solutions can make processing easier and significantly improve the quality of the leather.
- Improved rewetting uniformity
- Easier removal of dirt and soluble proteins
- Facilitates excellent opening of the fiber
- Ensures good scud loosening and reduced swelling
- Clean, pale and uniform pelt
- Increased tear strength
- Increased softness
- Removes wrinkles
- Softer leather
- Uniform dyeing
- Homogeneous degreasing
- Uniform dyeing and dye uptake
- Increased tear/tensile strength in the finished leather