Maximize crop fertility ROI,optimize soil and fertilizer phosphorusefficiency, and meet crop nutritionrequirements through natural processes
all withless chemicals
Biological solutions help optimizenutritional absorption and digestion,so animals get more from their feed
results inless waste
Enzymes boost separation efficiencyfor your mill and debottleneck your equipment
cutting your fixed costsper unit of mill starch
Rapid disinfection and disease-control protocols mean more production cycles requiring
less antibiotics, while processing aidsturn low-valuecoproducts into high-value ingredients
Access more oil thanyou thought possibleusing
less chemicals and unlockthe full potential of yourprocessing plant
Enzymes and microbes catalyze keyprocesses that help you manageyour plant in a more efficient andsustainable way
with lessenergy and chemicals
Get more out of your raw materials andoptimize each step of your process
to reduce costs through increased efficiency
Biosolutions mean improvedfiber-to-fiber bonding, more efficientprocesses
and less chemicals needed inthe recycled paper & packagingprocess
Extend the life of clothing, making yourfavorite clothes both higherquality and more sustainable
while resulting inless waste
Increase yield, gain flexibility,and optimize your ethanol plant’sprocess to make ethanol
from the sameamount of corn