2023 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo

April 30–May 3, 2023,
Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado, USA

In an industry driven by fine margins and growing demands, Novozymes is dedicated to drive business impact together, with our customers. At the 2023 AOCS annual meeting & Expo, we will share insights to help you tap on growth opportunities in oils & fats.

It's time to push beyond the expected limits and expect more.



Visit Novozymes' booth #505!

Do you want to stay ahead in the game? Join us and be the first to hear about our latest innovations in oils & fats, and household care.


Join our presentations for an in-depth look on Novozymes biosolutions

Join our presentations for an in-depth look on Novozymes biosolutions

Sustainable and flexible manufacture of surfactants using enzymes

Sustainable and flexible manufacture of surfactants using enzymes

Speaker: Martin Rushworth - Novozymes

Date: May 2

Time: 3:30 - 3:50 PM MDT


Proof of the potential for using near-infrared spectroscopy for monitoring and optimization of phospholipase C assisted vegetable oil degumming

Proof of the potential for using near-infrared spectroscopy for monitoring and optimization of phospholipase C assisted vegetable oil degumming

Speaker: Joanna Wawrzynczyk - Novozymes A/S

Date: May 3

Time: 8:30 - 8:50 AM MDT


Enzymatic technologies for decontamination of feedstocks for HVO production

Enzymatic technologies for decontamination of feedstocks for HVO production

Speaker: Bruno Vanelli - Novozymes

Date: May 3

Time: 10:10 - 10:30 AM MDT

Enzymatic hydrolysis of diglycerides in refining and modification process for better oil quality

Enzymatic hydrolysis of diglycerides in refining and modification process for better oil quality

Speaker: Yee Hon Seng, Novozymes

Date: May 3

Time: 12:00 - 12:20PM MDT

Full biodiesel yield by enzymatic transesterification

Full biodiesel yield by enzymatic transesterification

Speaker: Rasmus Bøg Hansen - Novozymes

Date: May 3

Time: 12:20 - 12:40 PM MDT

Expect more from Novozymes solutions across the oils and fats value chain

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Learn more about Novozymes biotechnology offerings

Learn more about Novozymes biotechnology offerings

Schedule a discussion with us at AOCS

Schedule a discussion with us at AOCS

Want to find out if enzymes are a good fit for your business? Fill out the form below to schedule a discussion with a Novozymes expert at AOCS.

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