Get ahead of global changes to acrylamide legislation

Get ahead of global changes to acrylamide legislation

Europe is a valuable market for US food manufacturers. So if you’re selling into EU countries, you need to be aware of the impact of recent and proposed changes to acrylamide legislation on your products. The European legislation reflects increasing regulatory activity around the world. With Acrylaway®, you can keep your products in compliance across borders and win consumers’ trust.


Increasing regulatory activity around acrylamide

There’s been a recent uptick in regulatory activity around acrylamide across the globe.


Here are just a few examples from the US and EU:
  • In the US, 450-plus 60-day notices issued under California’s Proposition 65 in 2020
  • In Europe, more products to be monitored for acrylamide
  • In Europe, a proposal to introduce maximum acrylamide limits

Win trust and future-proof your products

All this regulatory activity both reflects and increases consumer concern about acrylamide. That concern is a challenge for food manufacturers. With Acrylaway®, you can turn the challenge into an opportunity. If you’re ready with transparent, positive answers to consumers’ questions about acrylamide levels in your products, you can win their trust. Take advantage of our free sample offer to start future-proofing your products against legislative changes. 

Reduce acrylamide levels by up to 95%

The Acrylaway® family of products can help you achieve acrylamide reductions of up to 95%. They keep you well beyond compliance in the broadest range of applications. Available in liquid and granulate formats, they cover a broad pH and temperature range. Acrylaway® is the ideal solution for mitigating acrylamide levels in a consistent way.  


 Food product


biscuits & rusks

Dough and potato-based snacks

CoffeeProcessed cereal-based baby foods

 Acrylamide reduction

Up to 75%Up to 90%Up to 90%Up to 90%Up to 50%Up to 95%More than 60%Up to 90%

