Bioyield enhancement for oil palm and tea
Making your production more efficient
Bioyield enhancement for oil palm and tea
Cut your nursery costs and achieve early yields
How long your oil palm crop spends in the nursery has a big impact on your bottom line. Our bioyield enhancers for oil palm crops reduce this time by up to four months. This frees up land and allows you to fit more nursery rotations into each year. This represents a significant saving in land and crop inputs, including water and fertilizer. In the main field, our products cut time to first yield significantly.
Solutions to improve your production
Solutions to improve your production
Known as MycoPlex® in Malaysia and RhizoPlex® in Indonesia, this product is a soil amendment for oil palm. It stimulates biopathways to enhance growth and yield. It's applied as part of potting media at nursery stage, along with planting media during main-field transplanting and in furrow in the main field.
Ratchet® for Tea
Ratchet® for Tea
Ratchet® is based on a unique molecule that, when present at the time of planting, enhances a tea plant’s nutritional capabilities. That immediately drives natural growth processes in your tea crop. This happens regardless of crop variety, soil or environmental conditions.