EU acrylamide levels: check your products’ compliance

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The information provided in this website is accurate to the best of Novozymes’ knowledge based on the current situation. Nevertheless, it is and remains the responsibility of the customer to ensure that its specific use of Novozymes' products does not infringe relevant laws or regulations and does not infringe third party intellectual property rights and to ensure that the final product of the customer complies with any given regulation. Without a separate, specific, written agreement between the customer and Novozymes to such effect, this website does not constitute a representation, warranty or guarantee of any kind, and Novozymes shall in no event be held liable for the adherence by the customer to the information herein.
Question 2 of 3
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Question 3 of 3
What’s the current acrylamide level in your product?
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The Input data, when entered, can be used within the Novozymes group as an input for improving our technical recommendations going forward. We will, however, not register who fills in the Input data, or in which company the person is employed. The Input data is thus provided and processed anonymously.
Your compliance results
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Limits and typical industry levels
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EU legislation
Proposed max limit of acrylamide1
Proposed benchmark level of acrylamide 2
Current benchmark level of acrylamide 3
With its present acrylamide level of
your product is below the proposed benchmark and should remain so if you can avoid fluctuations in your process line. Remember you must still keep working towards ALARA levels (as low as reasonably achievable).
your product exceeds the proposed maximum limit: there's a high risk that you'll have to stop marketing it.
your product has a very high risk of exceeding the proposed maximum limit: it’s very likely that you’ll have to stop marketing it.
your product is above the proposed benchmark: you’ll need to take steps to reduce it or risk not being able to market your product.
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1) Proposed maximum limit under consideration by the EU. If your products have levels above this limit, there’s a high risk you’ll have to stop marketing them.

2) Proposed benchmark level under consideration by the EU. If your products have levels above this benchmark, you’ll need to take steps to reduce them, or risk not being able to market your products.

3) EU benchmark levels and mitigation measures currently in force.

Examples of retailer standards
Large European retailer target levels
Target maximum level of acrylamide4
With its present acrylamide level of
your product is below target level and should remain so if you can avoid fluctuations in your process line.
your product exceeds target level – you may lose access to retailers’ shelves.
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4) Target values from LIDL position paper on Conscious Nutrition September 2018.

Input your own acrylamide levels to see how you measure up

Recommended products

About acrylamide formation

As explained in Food and Drink Europe’s Acrylamide Toolbox, four main factors influence the amount of acrylamide that forms in your products:

  • Reducing Sugars
  • Asparagine
(Basic Formula,
Ingredients, Product Form)
  • Raising/Leavening Agents
  • Other Minor Ingredients
    (e.g. glycine and divalent cations)
  • pH
  • Dilution/Piece Size
  • Fermentation
  • Thermal Input & Moisture
  • Enzyme asparaginase
  • Pre-treatment
  • Finished Product Colour
  • Texture/Flavour
Final Preparation
  • Consumer or End User Guidance

The toolbox suggests a range of acrylamide mitigation measures based on the factors above. But from the addition of acids to changes in piece size, many non-enzymatic measures don’t reduce acrylamide levels enough and/or involve recipe changes. These changes can impact final product quality.

About Acrylaway® products

Based on the enzyme asparaginase, Acrylaway® products deliver significant reductions in acrylamide in most cases. They also give you superior results in terms of keeping the textures and tastes your customers expect. And as Acrylaway® products are classed as processing aids, they don’t need to be declared on your labels. That means you can keep the cleaner labels your customers prefer.